Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lyme Disease Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms People From The Northeast U.S., Are You Aware That Lyme Disease Can Only Be Accurately Diagnosed By Symptoms?

People from the Northeast U.S., are you aware that Lyme disease can only be accurately diagnosed by symptoms? - lyme disease diagnosis more condition_symptoms

I would urge all to recognize the symptoms. I) had nerve pain, swelling, dizziness, cognitive impairment (mild, neck pain, joint pain, cramps, sore throat, pain in the ear, the sensitivity of a slight rash and healthy, light (which is not typical) goal. Many tests negative for Lyme. My diagnosis of fibromyalgia was 1.5 years. It is a symptom, not a disease until 4 years to the test. Hold on, not in your head. It is easy to treat. If anyone had a similar experience? In many places, and the doctors say more false positives than negatives. I wonder? I have sores in the mouth from time to time, and I know that a lot of other people. This can cause a false negative. Until I finally got a positive work after 1.5 years of pain and no.


  1. Lyme disease were reported in all states except Montana, and because Montana has a strict case definition impossible - I know people in Montana with Lyme, but had to leave to the state for treatment. Some areas of California are also highly endemic, and in the Midwest and South, although they have a different tick and the disease is somewhat different.

    People who are exposed to the infected areas mark should seriously Prevention - aerosols, inspections, etc. - because many doctors have no idea. Many believe the propaganda that is rare and easily cured, most people who think they have not, really, but even if they do it to cure for a few weeks of antibiotics. It also depends on the 2-tier test criteria promoted by the CDC, which has lost more cases are detected. So many people with Lyme take years, until finally a doctor who knows something and find sweets. At this point in time can have chronic problems, and many have been diagnosed as with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, lupus, ALS, or mental illness. These conditions are can not take from a few weeks of antibiotics - which for months or years to be healed.

    The myth of false positives! The problem is that false negatives! When you do a test group is to look more positive.

    It really is criminal what they do. Everything is to help insurance companies save money because the patients eventually lose their jobs and go on disability.

    If you as an exhibitorare ticks and show strange symptoms that recur and, over time, and no doctor can diagnose, you can find an MD-Lyme in writing on the grounds of the Lyme Disease Association to go and get your medical reference book. There are also many support groups for patients, their hands and their stories keep in stocks is constructed.

    I'm sorry that you lost more than a year in pain, but thank God I finally found what it was. There are many people who have suffered the same fate and even more, unnecessarily.

  2. I was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease after a red rash appeared on my leg a year ago. I experienced the same symptoms that you describe and also experience bone and muscle pain, fever, heart palpitations, dyslexia, confusion, and hovers before my eyes. I live in Florida, where many doctors believe that Lyme disease does not exist and the only reason why I was never tested because he lied to the doctor and told him that his vacation in New York after reading an brochure on Lyme disease in my health care. I saw many doctors before my diagnosis, and finally a doctor, several tests of possible Lyme disease was performed and was positive in 2 of them. Many doctors rely on the results of a test run instead of several. How not to be reported in my case, even with the CDC, becauseno bands on my Western Blot. All the doctors I saw before they thought I was crazy, but I knew that something was wrong, grinds. I think the doctor has the right to recognize the symptoms and illnesses are unfortunate people imitating diagnosed fibromygelia, chronic fatigue, and others who Lyme. I also found the book Coping with Lyme Disease by Denise Lang useful and very encouraging and should be advised of a similar situation for everyone.
